ARRI opens mixed reality studio in StylePhotos

Latest Arri technology in film production
- Unique studio for filming in Canada
- The alliance between ARRI and Mo-Sys created a volumetric LED stage using state-of-the-art innovative technology.
- It is considered one of the most famous stationary objects for work.
- Refers to the part of ARRI's unique program focused on the global implementation of processes to create a mixed reality.
- It is a complete ARRI screen and LED lighting solution with Mo-Sys technologies like StarTracker, Cinematic XR Focus, and VP Pro XR.
- We are pleased to announce the opening of the new mixed-reality scene at StylePhotos.
ARRI stage arena is a spacious studio with all the equipment you need to rent, such as cameras, lighting, frame grabbing, and image output equipment. It allows shooting a high-quality project like a commercial, a video clip, a presentation, various events, master classes, and even a large-scale film.
Mixed Reality Scene Overview
This themed scene consists of a leading rendering curved "in vison" canvas with 1402.08 x 487.68 cm dimensions, special adjustable side screens, and a ceiling. A specially designed adapted space allows it to use a full 360-degree rotation in motion. In this way, all elements on and off stage will create the desired lighting effects on all objects and performers.
In addition to renting a stage to work with mixed reality for those who have yet to experience such technology, we offer full support from our specialists with a complete range of knowledge. It can be as general advice before the start of the project or more global assistance with the whole service of the filming process.

Features of a Mixed Reality Scene
To turn the location for renting a scene for filming into the epitome of technological progress, we took advantage of the best developments from the world's flagship companies. First, they are specially designed for the conditions of the studio video walls by ARRI Solutions. Then we should mention the next powerful solution from Mo-Sys - technical equipment VP Pro XR, StarTracker camera tracking systems, and also Cinematic XR Focus, allowing to achieve the proper effect on the stage. The software and Unreal Engine 5 from the legendary Epic Games will enable you to create 3D images in real-time. The latest generation graphics processors provide entire image processing without any time consumption. All communications are conducted in a way that makes the scene work as a single mechanism. Therefore, the unique ARRI LED grid with 9 Orbiters and 11 Skypanels is connected to the Unreal Engine hardware with exceptional control.
Collaborating with the leaders of technological developments for film production, we achieved the ideal conditions for creating mixed reality on stage for rent. It's impossible to imagine a better way to date and the near future than the culmination of hardware and software tools. High-quality professional expensive cameras with lenses, light systems, robots, and stabilizers with full on-site support are a complete package and ready solution from StylePhotos for the limitless realization of clients' creative potential.
Using the unique experience of leading companies specializing in the technology of reproduction, processing, and display of images together with ARRI cameras and equipment, we can offer this spacious, innovative stage for rent with a complete package of related services. We could go on and on about all the possibilities of renting a location for a mixed-reality shoot. You can feel all the drive of modern technology only during the filming in a virtual environment.