Step-by-Step Guide to Ghost Mannequin Photography

Becoming a professional in ghost mannequin photography in 2024 is essential for your eCommerce business success. Online shopping is dominating now, so business owners are searching for better ways to show and sell their products. Read on to gain a strong understanding of this photography technique and know how to execute it properly from preparation to post-production.
What is Ghost Mannequin Photography?
Ghost mannequin technique essence lies in its name. It implies taking a photo of apparel or accessories on a mannequin and then cutting it out of the picture. As a result, you get a clean photo of the product without unnecessary details.
Why is Ghost Mannequin Photography The Best?
If you want your eCommerce business not to be an outsider, you must master and apply ghost mannequin photography techniques in it. Check what benefits can it bring to you:
- It saves time and money on hiring models;
- You get the photo where nothing distracts the customer from the product;
- Customers get a realistic look at the apparel unlike those in first-lay photos;
- You can create a detailed 360 view of the product from different angles.
This technique benefits both the clients and business owners, so it’s worth trying and assessing the results of the ghost mannequin effect.
Preparing for the Shoot
The key to success here is thorough preparation. It’s a multi-step process you should take responsively, otherwise other stages won’t bring the desired effect.
Gathering the Right Equipment
Firstly, prepare everything you’ll need for invisible mannequin photography: your cameras, lenses, tripods, and lighting. You can take photos on a DSRL camera or even your smartphone, but ensure the final ones will have high resolution. Purchase the lighting if you don’t have it yet. Use tripods to set your camera at a steady position and get good photos.
Choosing the Perfect Mannequin
This choice will depend on the type of apparel you sell. You get just a torso for t-shirts or legs for bottoms. But if your business sells various types of apparel, better purchase a full-body one with detachable parts. It’ll make the post-production simpler and faster.
Setting Up the Studio
Finally, prepare your space. Get rid of clutter and unnecessary details cutting out which will only take your time during ghost mannequin editing. Ensure you have a clean monochromatic background, better white, or similar neutral color. Set a soft light in your studio to depict the textile well.

Photography Process
Now you’re ready to dive into the process of taking a photo. Get some nuances and tips for smoother progress.
Positioning the Mannequin and Garment
Select the apparel size the way it’ll fit the mannequin. Clothing shouldn’t look oversized and form wrinkles spoiling the general view of the product. If you see that it looks as it’s supposed to, move to the next step.
Adjusting Camera Settings
Pay the utmost attention to setting your camera if you want to get high-resolution and realistic photos. Set a high aperture of around 11 or higher to ensure the focus is on the garment. ISO settings should be low, but adjust them according to your lighting level. Shutter speed and white balance also need manual setting. Take a few test photos to assess the result and make adjustments if necessary.
Taking Multiple Shots
Now dive into the process of ghost mannequin photography. Take a photo of the front, back, and sides for a 360 view. You should also take close-up shots to capture the textile structure and details like zippers or buttons.
Key Techniques for Ghost Mannequin Shots
If you give enough attention to details when taking a photo, you’ll save much time and effort on post-editing. Check three of the most important ghost mannequin photography techniques you should be aware of.
Layered Photography
Ghost mannequin editing always implies layering images. You should capture the apparel in several layers, for example, the inside and outside. You’ll combine these shots and then create a realistic look of the product.
Eliminating Shadows
Adjust the light placements and apply diffusion techniques if they are necessary to ensure there are no shadows on the photo. Sometimes it’ll be necessary to purchase additional lighting equipment to brighten the dark areas.
Angles and Consistency
Don’t change the angle and camera position when taking photos. One of the key elements of ghost mannequin product photography is that all photos in your catalog should have a uniform look.
Post-Production Editing
This is the final step where you create the professional ghost mannequin photos. Check how to create this magic.
Importing and Organizing Images
Select the best photos, organize them in the desired order, and upload them to the ghost mannequin app. This can be Lightroom, Photoshop, or any other editing software.
Background Removal
Use Lasso, Pen, or Quick Selection tools in Photoshop to cut out the mannequin from the photo. Plenty of other applications can cut out the elements automatically using AI. However, only manual removal has the necessary precision and creates a smooth floating effect.
Combining Layers for the Ghost Effect
After you remove the background for all your shots, it’s time to merge all layers to create the final photo. Then drag the interior shot onto the exterior one and adjust the opacity level to align both images correctly. Finally, combine the layers and return the opacity level by 100%. Blend the edges and correct any details you want to create the final ghost mannequin photo.